Thursday 27 March 2014


By Kay Aderibigbe

The so much touted national conference was inaugurated on the 17th of March, 2014 and some hours after the first sitting they decided to recede and converge some seven days later when the chairman, a learned former chief justice, greeted the delegates with 'asalam alikum waramotulah wabarakat' in a supposedly secular arrangement.

A production of house rules and manners of proceedings brought them together only to recess again simply because they could not agree on whether a delegate is to be referred to as 'he' or 'she' and most annoying is the consensus on voting system, whether 2/3 or simple majority.

Since my blog is all about positive politics, i will at every moment present a scientific analysis of events as it unfold within the congers' conference of Nigerian state.
This is due to a number of reasons. One, any argument that tend to tilt towards religion, race, sex, class and cultural beliefs would seem bias, value-laden and impressionistic. Two, we need not be a thorough-going consequentialist before we dispel the question of 'Nigerianity as a state'. Lastly, any reasonable modern nation or nation-state crave for and relish 'imperatives of state' as put forward by Crawford Young, i.e security, hegemony, authority, autonomy and economy.

In as much as we opted not be bias or question 'Nigerianity' as a no-go-area, what is left for any right thinking policy analyst is to assess the motive of the conference whether it stresses such values as the authoritative allocation of resources for the attainment of strong imperatives of state.

On the conference so far, i will put forward three questions and make three cases for and against the talk show. What is the justification for the twelve million given to each delegate when the national minimum wage is a paltry #18,000?. Two, what are the criteria for the selection of these highly priced delegates? What are the types and contents of issues these delegates are going to be talking about?

The enormity of the financial largess attached to the conference speaks volume of non-accountability and recklessness on the part of the government. Little wonder did some inordinate delegates asked that their aides be paid also. The issue of selection of representatives negates democracy as being shouted at the roof top by this administration. Many delegates have been spotted sleeping heavily while some deliberately absconded. In fact, a delegate, appointed to represent the civil society, Mamoud Aminu, moved that the media should be restricted on the coverage of the conference. What a state of hopelessness for the Nigerian civil society!

Dr. Aliku Ndabawa, Assistant Secretary on proceedings of the conference slumped on Sunday and report had it that he was flown to Dubai for treatment. Isn't this alone, an enough pointer to the fact that the quality and nature of issues to be discussed should revolved around how the Nigerian state can actually cater for its people be it poor or rich.

To be continued .........

Tuesday 4 March 2014

National dialogue or National conference

'National dialogue' or 'national conference', the nomenclature is not the real deal but the reason(s) for the talk show and the outcome of such endeavour, whether it shall be positively telling on the lives of the people or it will continue to divide the society along the irreconcilable lines of poverty and extreme wealth on the part of the two main publics that made up the Nigerian state.

The Nigerian state is insincere to the ideals it stands to represent, and as such been found guilty of the same suspicion that had in the past retarded the growth of regional politics (era before 12 states) and the period after the creation of 36 states.
Such insincerity is visible on the timing, convocation and table of contents of the issues that are deemed discussable in the national dialogue.
There ought not to be a case of no-go-area if the Nigerian state is aware and sensitive to the sociological particularism of the society at large.
In fact, those areas we were told to eschew are supposed to be the starting point of our discussion if we are truly going to live in a Nigeria that would be free of political hatred, suspicion, greed, selfishness and continuous animosity within the federating units.

As for now what are we talking about? Who are those appointed to talk? Are they talking about the real issue(s)? What are the motives behind the talk show? Is this talk convention different from what we have had in the past? We shall shed more light on these questions when the talk show actually begins.